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Shortbread recipe

Shortbread Ingredients and Cooking Directions! 

 Ingredients for this shortbread recipe

3/4 of a cup of icing sugar

1 and 1/2 cups of standard grade flour

1/2 of a cup of cornflour

250 grams of butter that has been softened


Shortbread recipe cooking instructions (makes approx 20):

First. warm your oven to 150 degrees celsius. Beat the icing sugar and the butter together until creamy. Next mix in the cornflour and the flour. This is your shortbread dough

On a floured surface, roll out the fresh shortbread dough to about 10 mm thick and cut the dough into shortbread fingers. About 5 cm long by 2.5 cm wide is good. Put the unbaked shortbread fingers on a greased oven tray. Prick with a fork in the middle. Not to go all the way through but just to add texture (optional)

Bake the fresh shortbread fingers in your oven for 25 to 30 minutes, until your fresh home made shortbread is pale and crisp. Cool the shortbread and serve or store in the biscuit barrel.