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Races, lots of fun for parties and fetes.

Great for Dads and Sons race, fathers and sons, mums or mothers and daughters race or even brothers and sisters races.

These can even be relay races.

Please note the emphasis for these races should always be fun.

Its not really about who can run the fastest, but silly fun and happy fun and smiles 


Backwards race

Draw a face relay race

Egg and spoon race

Sack race

Three legged race

Wheelbarrow race

All of the above involve a start, a finish and a minimum of two participants per team. Accessories are minimum. If the racers are obviously mismatched, you can even agree to give weaker racers a head start. A great idea is to give a few prizes, one for first, one for funniest race, and one for most effort, for example.


Activities all sorted? Perhaps its time to organise some good party supplies or decorations. Here are a few we like

Birthday banners

Invites for sale online

Candy buffet candy

Kids party banners

Party favours

Personalised christening invitations