OK. Here's the fine print.
Basically it means you are legally allowed to send the information, we are allowed to use it, and no one gets paid for it. But the full version is below, please read through it.
Privacy stuff : We might use your first name but we won't publish your surname, contact details or email address. All good?
Terms and Conditions for Submitting your events & photos:
Once you have submitted your event details and/or photos to Little Dance you are giving your permission for the photographs and content without limitation to be featured on the Little Dance website.
You hereby consent and grant permission for featuring images that you have sent through for public release by Little Dance, by reading this policy online.
You acknowledge that your photos may be shared on other sites such as but not limited to Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter and similar.
You also agree not to seek payment from Little Dance’s publication or subsequent re publication of your submission.
You acknowledge that you release Little Dance from :
any and all liability associated with the use of your photos and featured any liability of copyright if your party feature is shared on third party sites.
any claims for remuneration or other compensation associated with any form of damage, whether foreseeable or not, sustained or suffered by the releasing your images (or any other person), associated with the commercial or artistic use of these images.
You acknowledge :
If you send any photos of children in a party you consent that you are the Parent or Legal Guardian of the subject(s) in the photographs, and that you are over the age of 18 and hereby give your consent to the terms and conditions outlined by Little Dance and the understanding that by sending in your submission herein constitutes your agreement to the Terms and Conditions of this featured submission.
You acknowledge that if any other children or guests are present within the submission then digital consent must be provided by other parents or guardians of said children or the guests concerned.
You understand that by submitting to Little Dance by sending Little Dance your photos you represent, warrant and agree that no materials of any kind submitted through your feature submission will violate or infringe upon the rights of any third party, including copyright, trademark, privacy etc.
Little Dance bears nor takes on any responsibility for any consequence of your photos being submitted to the blog.
You or your legal representative (which could include a legal guardian or person with power of attorney) acknowledge that you or your legal representative have read the contents in these terms and conditions by Little Dance.
You acknowledge that once any of the images referred to above have been published, Little Dance has no control over the subsequent use and disclosure of the images.
You acknowledge that by Little Dance posting your featured submission that this will be released publicly, by accessing and submitting to Little Dances website you understand that you have agreed to the terms and conditions and release Little Dance any forms of damage, whether foreseeable or not, sustained or suffered by the releasing your images (or any other person), associated with the commercial or artistic use of these images.