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Bread and butter pudding recipe

Ingredients for this bread and butter pudding recipe (Orange and lemon flavour)

Time Required :

15 minutes to mix the bread and butter pudding.
40 minutes to cook the bread and butter pudding.

Bread and butter pudding ingredients:

½ of a loaf of white bread, either unsliced or toast sliced. 
One dozen dried apricots, sliced into fine slivers. 
2 Oranges, peeled and cut up into segments.
3 Eggs
2 Teaspoons of lemon zest.
1 cup evaporated milk
½ cup whole milk
¼ cup brown sugar

You will also need:
1 large ovenproof dish.
Lots of vanilla ice cream on standby.


Bread and Butter Pudding Recipe Cooking Instructions

Heat your oven to 160 degrees centigrade. 
While the oven is heating up remove the crusts from the bread, and chop the white parts into 2 to 3 cm approximate cubes. Mix these with the apricot and orange, and place the mixture in the ovenproof dish.

Beat the eggs together with the lemon zest, evaporated and whole milk, and the brown sugar. Pour this mix over the bread and fruit mixture and let the lot stand for about ten minutes.

Bake the Bread and Butter pudding mixture in the oven for 40 minutes, or until it is cooked , the edges should be a lovely golden colour when the Bread and Butter pudding is ready.

This Bread and Butter pudding recipe serves six.

Get the ice cream ready

Serve with ice cream…yummo!


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